Wednesday, September 3, 2008

2 Things I haven't blogged about yet and should

1) Macca in Quebec City. He had me at hello (or, if you prefer, at "bonsoir les québecois!"). He had me tearing up by the second verse of "Drive My Car." He had me bawling with the opening notes to "All My Loving." It is impossible for me to put into words how emotional it was to be there, standing among the 250,000+ fans on the Plains of Abraham, singing along with the crowd as he performed what is quite literally the soundtrack of my life. I saw him in 1989 at the Forum and in 1993 at the CNE in Toronto, and had a blast each time but back then I was too young to really appreciate what the music meant to me then. But I get it now, and I savoured every moment, every perfect note, every miscue (Paul giggling his way through the first verse of "Lady Madonna" after reinterpreting the opening piano riff, for example).

2) More on carbon taxes. Probably best that I hold my peace on this one, for the time being at least. I said in my last post (in June!!) that what I really care about is the quality, and the honesty, of the debate on this issue in the coming election. Let's see how it plays in the coming weeks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

[url= ]Помогите растолковать сон, про стекло и жуков [/url]
Ребенок пошел в сад, я не работаю, скоро все-равно переезжаем и не очень-то и хочется, в случае в случае если откровенно. Посоветуйте, чем заняться, чтобы не отупеть абсолютно?